Comments by tbtabby

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  • Noun: A shoemaking tax.

    January 26, 2009

  • Verb: To pour a drink for someone.

    January 26, 2009

  • Verb: To wrap one's head.

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: A cow or deer's fourth stomach.

    January 26, 2009

  • Comes from Eris, the goddess of discord?

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: A garlic eater.

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: A lowly or weak person.

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: A European breed of buffalo.

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: An arrogant gossip.

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: Depression.

    January 26, 2009

  • Verb: To beat with a stick.

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: A thief who specializes in robbing women.

    January 26, 2009

  • Adjective: Meant to be licked.

    January 26, 2009

  • Verb: To walk around with flapping clothes.

    January 26, 2009

  • Verb: To bear one's teeth in anger or sadness.

    January 26, 2009

  • Noun: Excessive use of the letter R.

    January 26, 2009

  • Verb: To eat greedily.

    January 26, 2009

  • Also the name of an enemy in Super Mario 64. A giant slab of stone with stubby arms and legs and a big, ugly face. It tries to crush Mario by falling on him, but if it misses, he can kill it by ground-pounding the weak spot on its back.

    January 23, 2009

  • Word nobody's listing: scroggling. Noun. A small, runty apple that's left on the branch after the harvest.

    January 23, 2009

  • I just heard a contestant guess this on Lingo. I was blown away when I found out it was a real word.

    January 22, 2009

  • @Asativum: That's because you're thinking of wack.

    January 22, 2009

  • What would Miss Finster say if she learned that "whomp" is a real word, but it isn't dirty?

    January 22, 2009

  • There's also crapandina. Give it some love. It's only been listed twice, and both times by me.

    January 13, 2009

  • Supposedly derived from Boh, a general from Norse myth. Boh was a son of Odin and a general, and was so fierce and powerful that the mere mention of his name struck fear in the hearts of his enemies. Viking warriors would shout his name when launching a surprise attack, and that eventually led to the custom of shouting "Boo!" when surprising someone.

    January 13, 2009

  • Kent Hovind once claimed that this word means "single spoken sentence" as "proof" of a Biblical creation. I guess after mangling all known fields of science, he decided to tackle etymology.

    January 4, 2009

  • F is for Friends who do stuff together

    U is for You and me

    N is for Anywhere, anytime at all

    Down here in the deep blue sea

    -Spongebob Squarepants

    December 19, 2008

  • I can hardly wait for Problem Sleuth to unleash his mighty Pulchritude attack.

    November 23, 2008

  • Nothing but net!

    October 10, 2008

  • Why is this word so long?

    October 9, 2008

  • Lesser known words with similar connotations: liripoop, clinchpoop and twiddlepoop. Perhaps they come from the same root?

    October 8, 2008

  • ...Not seeing what's so bad about it.

    October 7, 2008

  • Dorothy Parker called this "the only 'ism' that Hollywood believes in."

    October 7, 2008

  • Noun: Baggy trousers.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: A mineral such as toadstone or bufonite said to have healing properties.

    October 3, 2008

  • Adjective: Pertaining to or due to the presence of waste matter.

    October 3, 2008

  • Adjective: Having upper and lower teeth that are unlike.

    October 3, 2008

  • Adjective: Having bad breath.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: An indoor porch for exercising in winter.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: A finger exercise machine for pianists.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: The act of carrying a new bride off on horseback to the husband's home.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: A silly creature.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: One who draws with chalk.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: A stain, flaw, or scar.

    October 3, 2008

  • Verb: To stutter or mumble.

    October 3, 2008

  • Noun: A youth entering manhood.

    October 3, 2008

  • Verb. To hit something with a fish.


    October 3, 2008

  • A love of archery.

    October 1, 2008

  • Noun: A beggar who is masquerading as a shipwreck survivor.

    September 30, 2008

  • What's the difference between a butte and a mesa?

    September 22, 2008

  • Yakko, Wakko and Dot washed Beethoven's mouth out with soap when he said he was a pianist.

    September 21, 2008

  • What other words can I use to compliment a woman on her figure without being slapped?

    September 7, 2008

  • Noun: A pad, often of sheepskin, placed under a horse's saddle.

    September 7, 2008

  • Harry Shearer came up with the word all by himself: it was written into the script as "annoyed grunt."

    July 2, 2008

  • I could masticate sausages all day long.

    October 19, 2007

  • "A criminal is a person with predatory instincts without sufficient capital to form a corporation." -Howard Scott

    October 4, 2007

  • "Condoms aren't completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus." -Bob Rubin

    October 4, 2007

  • The element with the most bad-assed name.

    October 4, 2007

  • "To enter life by way of the vagina is as good a way as any." -Henry Miller

    October 4, 2007